Category: Travel


25 Memorable Things From Our Trip to Korea (Part 1)

The Lexplorers Team recently spent 2 weeks in Korea, and, wow, what an awesome experience!  We met lots of wonderful , friendly, and welcoming people.  We visited historic palaces, Buddhist temples, royal burial mounds,...


Language Free Zone at the PyeongChang Olympics

The South Korean hosts of the PyeongChang Olympics have created what they are calling a “Language Free Zone.”   According to the Korea Tourism Organization press release: A Language Free Zone has been set up...


Book Review: Couchsurfing Im Iran

Couchsurfing Im Iran: Meine Reise hinter verschlossene Türen by: Stephan Orth Lexplorers rating: 8.0/10 Amazon ( average customer rating: 4.3/5 Next up in our series of Lexplorers reviews of “What Were They Thinking? travel...


What We Did On Our Summer Vacation

The Lexplorers had a very fun and eventful summer, most of it spent far from the keyboard.  Now that the summer is drawing to a close, we will be spending some time catching up...